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tqhq.ee foorum - 383 strokeri tasakaalustamine
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tqhq.ee foorum : Modifitseerimine : 383 strokeri tasakaalustamine  
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383 strokeri tasakaalustamine
Ma loodan, et Erkki probleem mitte vana mootori balancerist ja flywheelist ei tule:

BUT! The engine shook violently when it was taken off idle rpm. I checked the distributor, sparkplug wires, and sparkplugs - no clue was evident. Extreme timing advance and retarding did not change the nature of the vibration.

I was extremely frustrated and angry. This was definitely not a "turnkey" engine. I went over my installation of the flywheel, clutch, and transmission. There was nothing that could be out of balance. In fact, the flywheel had been neutrally balanced and I had been using the flywheel and clutch assembly for 15 years without problems. I installed a new clutch assembly 1 1/2 years ago when I installed the Tremec transmission and it all operated flawlessly. I mentioned my problems to a friend who used to build and race formula Vs. He said that he understood that the flywheel on a Chevy smallblock 400 cid and 383 cid stroker was different from the ones for a 327 cid and 350 cid engine. I called BRE and asked them about this. They did some investigation and called me back, and the real story is that the 400 cid and the 383 cid are "externally" balanced engines whereas the 327 cid and the 350 cid engines are internally balanced. This means that the harmonic balancer and flywheel are a part of the balance of the 383 cid. A neutrally balanced flywheel on a 383 cid will cause severe vibration.

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05.06.2001 at 14:15
383 strokeri tasakaalustamine
Siin on ka head infi teema kohta. Ja see põhim. kinnitab newtoni poolt postitatut.


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05.06.2001 at 14:34
383 strokeri tasakaalustamine
That's pretty common with cast crank engines, they are often externally balanced especially if they have got a long stroke.

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05.06.2001 at 14:35
383 strokeri tasakaalustamine
Täpselt selles asi ongi,et ladusin uuele vändale vana balanceri ja flexplate külge:uhoh.Vaatasin,et kinnitus sobib ja,et ju ta siis nii käibki.Aga võta näpust...Nüüd jääb üle ainult oodata,millal õiged jupid kohale jõuavad.Esimene balancer on US Parts Soome laos olemas,aga tagumist flexplate pole.Ega kellelgi pole järsku sellist asjandust garaazinurgas seismas?

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05.06.2001 at 14:44
383 strokeri tasakaalustamine
Mul on LT1 flexplate ja see on ka väliselt tasakaalustatud mootor. Samas ma pole kindel kas asi sobib + starteriga võib ka probla olla.

Kui on huvi proovida siis helista mulle 050 57 762 ja lepime midagi kokku.

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05.06.2001 at 14:52
tqhq.ee foorum : Modifitseerimine : 383 strokeri tasakaalustamine  
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