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tqhq.ee foorum - nitrous
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tqhq.ee foorum : Modifitseerimine : nitrous   1 2  

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Poster Message
A thing you must take in to account when building a nitrous engine is that, the parts (block, crank, rods, pistons, even heads) have to be such that they can withstand the same amount of power in a naturally aspirated engine than they will with the nitrous applied. There are some other requirements for heavily nitroused engines too that differ from a naturally aspirated engine, but that's an other thing. Although it sounds easy and relatively inexpensive to spray an engine 500 hp by just adding a big fogger system, the other engineparts that can take that amount are not.

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26.11.2002 at 09:59
To Jyrki: (abt nitrous engines) Well , ofcource , definetely. What I was refering to is that you can add 100 hp nitrous kit to a stock vette motor without any mods . And it will do .

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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28.11.2002 at 18:33
Last edited 28.11.2002 at 18:34 by forced2race
Yes, if it's in good condition it will propably live for ever. I have never used nitrous so far, so the only way I know about it is through what I have seen. I can say that 250 hp is too much for a stock engine:) A friend of mine had a 360 in his duster, a stock hp version with a cast crank and pistons that run 14's naturally aspirated. He bought a NOS cheater kit and it really helped the car run until he figured that "if 150 hp helps this much, what will the 250 hp do?" Well, he found out. I think the stock fuwl pump may have been on its limit and therefore the pistons burned through. However, also the connecting rods were twisted etc. etc. etc.

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29.11.2002 at 09:01
Yes, if it's in good condition it will propably live for ever.
:):):) I like that !
If you get more air you gotta have more fuel :)
That's why certain black camaros use 9 mm fuel hoses ...
and some other major thingies.:)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 11:15
run 14's naturally aspirated....
Seda ma ei taipanud . What's 14's ??? Seletage palun .
Äkki 1/4 ?

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 11:18
Last edited 29.11.2002 at 11:18 by forced2race
Yes, if it's in good condition it will propably live for ever.
Usually, after they break they are not:)
Yes meant just that, 14's in the 1/4 mile. If I remeber correctly it run 14.2's at best. The first time out with nitrous it run 12.8 with the same street tires etc.

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29.11.2002 at 11:29
jyrki: A friend of mine had a 360 in his duster, a stock hp version with a cast crank and pistons that run 14's naturally aspirated
Well, he found out. I think the stock fuwl pump may have been on its limit and therefore the pistons burned through. However, also the connecting rods were twisted etc. etc. etc.

Some stupid questions:
1. What is "360" and how much is stock hp for that?
2. What is the most nitrous, you know any stock motor has survived and what are the most common failure points with too much nitrous besides the burnt pistons.
3. Have you seen engines ruined by too much nitrous, which have twisted rods and healthy pistons?

edit: spelling

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29.11.2002 at 12:58
Last edited 29.11.2002 at 13:19 by Lembit
360 is a mopar small block, the hp version was rated at 245 hp. With headers that one propably made a little more than that. The trap speeds were 160 without nitrous and 186 with nitrous.

I know one guy who used up to 400 hp fogger shot in his basically stock 440 short block; it had TRW forged replacement pistons though. The engine was in a 1350 kg Challenger and it broke a lot of parts, cracked heads etc. He run it a lot though and got about two hundred passes before the final explotion. A connecting rod broke at 350 meters and the car run 9.23/227 km/t on that run!

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29.11.2002 at 13:09
Plymouth Duster that would be ,right ?
the car run 9.23/227 km/t on that run!
Whou !!! That's a run !

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 15:26
Peamine mootorite killer on ebapiisav kütusesüsteem - segu läheb lahjaks ja valmis.

Nitroga on soovitav, et mitte öelda kohustuslik, eraldi kütusesüteem mootorile ja nitrole. See hoiab nitrovärgi sõltumatuna mootori enda kütusesüsteemi anomaaliatest. Korralikud pumbad, voolikud, regulaatorid jne. enesestmõistetavad.

Teine asi on juppide vastupidavus. Kõige kriitilisemad on kolvid, siis kepsud. Väljalase peab olema piisavalt vaba vooluga. Nukk - tehakse nitro jaoks sobivaid.

Mõistagi tuleb arvestada ka jõuülekannet, rehve ja vedrustust. Nitrost pole kasu kui kummid põlevad all või jõuülekanne puruks.

Korralikuma laksu jaoks on vaja väga korralikku süüdet, soovitav mitmeastmelise retardiga ja window'ga.

Komplekt tuleb suht rikaste düüsikombinatsioonidega, süüdet algul 4 kraadi hilisemaks iga 100 hj kohta ja küünlad üks aste külmemad iga 100 hj kohta.

Alustada ettevaatlikult, proovida nitroga ja ilma ning võrrelda tulemusi - kas klapivad?

Muuseas, on olemas nitrosüsteemide tuunijad - saadad nitrokomplekti, kütusepumbad, solenoidid, sisselaskekollektori ja kõikvõimalikud mootori/auto andmed neile, ning nad panevad asja paika. Paljud 6,7,8 jne sek autode omanikud arvavad, et see $600 säästis neile kümneid tuhandeid taalasid, mis oleks läinud õhkulastud mootorite remondiks.

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29.11.2002 at 15:40
Yes, it was a Duster.
I saw picture of the engine after the run; there was not much left out of it. Intake manifold and rocker arms were about the only bigger parts that survived.

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29.11.2002 at 15:40
Palun vabandust et Erkki Camaro seotud teemat viisin natuke mujale , noh lihtsalt mõnikord ei julge teha uut teemat väikse küsimuse puhul ... Olen suhteliselt uus
postitaja (loen juba ammu) ja ei tahaks endast muljet jatta nagu mingist ükskõiklikust ennast palju mõtlevast
tegijast .Seda ma ei ole .:)
Ja üks küssa Jyrkile
A thing you must take in to account when building a nitrous engine is that, the parts (block, crank, rods, pistons, even heads) have to be such that they can withstand the same amount of power in a naturally aspirated engine than they will with the nitrous applied.
Doesn't that apply that nitrous also generally cools those parts concerned.
Maybe parts (block, heads, crank,rods,pistons) can be chosen to withstand 100hp less on nitrous motor than on naturally aspirated . What could be a proportion ?
I know that the more "heppaid " the more £££
and with each 100 hp higher the ammount of £££ rises too ...

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 15:48
Vot need düüsid vist olevad kõige raskeim asi
täpi panna .
Aga mis see "window" on ??
Ja EGT ?

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 15:55
Last edited 29.11.2002 at 16:09 by forced2race
Veel, et on oluline teada, mis mootoris toimub:

Kütuserõhu, nitrorõhu, EGT, A/F on kohustuslikud.

Tõsisematel juhtudel ja täpsema häälestuse soovi korral on vajalik data recorder - küünlad, silmad/kõrvad ja time-slipid ei ole piisavad.

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29.11.2002 at 15:57
forced2race: Vot need düüsid vist olevad kõige raskeim asi
täpi panna .
Aga mis see "window" on ??

Alustamiseks sobivad combod näiteks siin:


Window - süütesüsteemi osa või eraldi kontroller, mille abil nitrot saab aktiveerida ainult teatud pööretevahemikus ("aknas" ). Asi selles, et madalatel pööretel ei tohi nitrot kasutada ning piirajasse lastes võib karpasse tagasi lüüa - pealtvaatajatele tore tulevärk, aga sõitjale auk rahakotis.

Näiteks kui piiraja on 7000 peal, siis nitro võiks panna 3000-6800 pöörde vahemikku.

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29.11.2002 at 16:08
Last edited 29.11.2002 at 16:09 by partel
Kadun siis mõneks ajaks siit ära --> üle okeaani :)
Aga mis ikka võiks juhtuda karpasse tagasi löömise "feierferki" puhul : kas kogu auto kustutamine
või karpa , kapoti vigastused ?

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 16:17
Nii Lauril kui siin käinud Noval läks piirajasse paar korda - ei midagi. Aga olen näinud kuidas õhukogurid kapoti pealt taevasse lendavad :p

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29.11.2002 at 16:25
Irww ! Niiet eriti hullu ei ole , suurt dizasterrri ei juhtu ?:)
thanks for the link ! Väga selge sait ! Huvitav kas keegi paneks nitrot kaherattalise peale ? Jeebi peale Indrek vist kui ma ei eksi pani . Huvitav mis tunne laksul ?

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 17:24
Last edited 29.11.2002 at 17:28 by forced2race


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29.11.2002 at 17:46
Pisut paugutamist :)


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29.11.2002 at 20:17
Holy crap ! Pardon my french ! Kusjuures kord mu sõbrad juba tegid tagasi sirgeks throttle plate-i .Õnneks
mingeid lekke ei olnud .Aga BOOM-i oli kulda päris kaugel.
Karpaga on vist asi natsa ohtlikum kui siis EFI -ga või direct port injection-iga .

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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29.11.2002 at 23:56
Hehe, found the picture of some parts in the 500 hp shot stock short block 440:

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04.12.2002 at 15:21
Allright , allright ! :) I will not install 500hp shot of nitrous on a stock engine :):):):)
Damn , those "things" , are they melted or something ?

Save The Wave (vette 91 )

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05.12.2002 at 11:02
"This Engine gave me 250 10 second runs, and well over 30 9 sec N20 runs before I decided that if it liked 250 HP...the another 175 hit on top of that would be even better!!

These let go at 1100ft on a 9.23@142 coasting through the lights."

They aren't melted, they just couldn't take the power.

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05.12.2002 at 12:13
jyrki: These let go at 1100ft on a 9.23@142 coasting through the lights."

Do you remember how high were the engine rpm, when it let go?

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05.12.2002 at 20:46
tqhq.ee foorum : Modifitseerimine : nitrous   1 2  
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