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tqhq.ee foorum - NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
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tqhq.ee foorum : Vaba teema : NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept  

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Poster Message
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
GMC katsetab oma suurte autode ruumikuse kombineerimist väiksemas „pakendis“. Väike Scion xB suuruses uut tüüpi liikur peaks laiendama mõistest GMC-st, samahästi näidates milleks GMC kui seni tuntud suurte ja mahukate autode tootja võiks võimeline olla.
Disainitiimi moodustasid noored disainerid, kes panid loodusse iseenda eelistused ja vajadused, mis sobivad noorele aktiivsele ja sotsiaalsele professionaalile. Teljevahe on võrreldav Chevrolet Cobalti omaga kuid pikkus on sarnane samas suuruses Honda Fit`ga. See võimaldab Granitele suurepärase manööverdusvõime näiteks linnaliikluses. Garnite evib nelja Prantsuse uste stiilis avanevat ust. B-pillari puudumine võimaldab paremini laadida esemeid. Väisvälimuses pole kasutatud kroomi. Industriaalse ilme loomisele aitab kaasa kas satiin või lihvitud metalli (brushed metal finish) kasutamine.
Salongis on kasutatud lennumasinatelt laenatud mehaaniliste instrumentide välimust. Punane taustavalgus, mis illumineerib näidikuid navigeerimise ajal, telefon, kliimakontroll jms on taustvalgustatud OLED paneeliga. Istmed on ümberkonfigureeritavad – esimene kaasreisja ja tagumised istmed on kokkupakitavad keskkonsooli suhtes võimaldades nii rokem pakiruumi. Pagasiruumis on kohad asjadele, mida ei soovita hoida otseses nähtavuses väljaspoolt autot.
Jõuallikaks on sama 1.4l Turbo Ecotech Inline 4 (5,8l/100km), mis saab olema uuel Chevrolet Cruze`l.
Eriline on see, et tegemist on esimese GM autoga (kontsept), millel on kasutusel „topeltsidur ülekanne“ (DCT, dual-clutch transmission). Seetähendab, et puudub tüüpiline automaatkastile omane hüdrokonverter. Selle asemel on kasutuses kaks sidurit, mis aitavad kiirendada käiguvahetust ja edendada jõudlust. Kui üks käik on sees, siis teine sidur eelvalib järgmise käigu ja kui saabub aeg käiguvahetuseks, rakendatakse uus sidur ja vabastatkse eelmine. Hetkel pole teada, kas antud DCT on GM enda poolt arendatud süsteem või mõne teise ülekandesüsteemi tootja poolt loodu.

Kõrgresolutsioonis pildid avanevad klikkides:

Originally Posted by Press Release
DETROIT – Combining a decidedly urban-industrial design aesthetic with functionality aimed at young professionals, the GMC Granite concept takes the brand’s trademark capability in a new, more progressive direction. It was introduced at the 2010 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

If brought to market, the Granite would be the smallest GMC ever – but has been optimized to feel much larger. Its length is a full 2 feet (0.6 m) shorter than the new Terrain compact crossover, but its open interior was designed to be spacious and flexible to fit the needs of active people. Generous cargo space and unique flipping/folding seats, for example, enable a mountain bike to be loaded completely inside with the tailgate closed.

“Granite was conceived as a new type of vehicle from GMC – one that could stretch people’s ideas of what a GMC can be,” said Lisa Hutchinson, product marketing director for GMC. “We call it an ‘urban utility vehicle’ and our goal was redefining what the GMC name could mean to a new generation of customers looking for both bold design and functionality.”

Like GMC’s current lineup of trucks, SUVs and crossovers, the Granite delivers style and capability, with advanced features, high-quality materials and exceptional attention to detail. An industrial-influenced exterior is combined with a spacious interior that features precise instruments and leading-edge technology. The climate system, navigation and infotainment technologies, for example, are viewed via an extra-wide, next-generation organic light-emitting diode technology that is more dynamic than the conventional screens used in most production vehicles.

“We think of the Granite as the automotive equivalent of an urban loft apartment,” said Dave Lyon, executive director of North American Interior and Global Cross-Brand Design. “The exterior has an unmistakable industrial look, but the interior is warm and personalized.”

Power for the Granite concept comes from a 1.4L turbocharged engine that is part of GM’s new family of small-displacement, highly efficient four-cylinder engines. It is matched with a six-speed transmission that uses dual-clutch technology for performance and smoothness.

Industrial-inspired exterior

A cadre of young designers drew upon the preferences of young, urban professionals like themselves, who are very social and active. They are more likely to take friends to clubs and load outdoor gear on weekend excursions than to haul lumber or tow a boat. With those requirements in mind, they sketched out the dimensions of the Granite accordingly. Its 103.6-inch (2,631 mm) wheelbase is comparable to a Chevrolet Cobalt, but its 161.3-inch (4,097 mm) overall length is more than a foot shorter. Its size gives the Granite exceptional maneuverability, even within narrow urban streets.

The Granite’s comparatively short body length is complemented by a wide, 70.3-inch (1,786 mm) overall width and a tall, 60.5-inch (1,536 mm) height. Those dimensions create unique proportions that depart dramatically from conventional minivan, SUV or crossover designs. “The Design team leveraged the best attributes from different segments: SUV, minivan and crossover, and mixed them with a commercial chic aesthetic. We feel this redefines the premium class of vehicles we call urban utility vehicles,” said Lyon.

Granite has four doors, hinged on each side to open like a set of French doors. There’s no pillar between the front and rear doors, making the Granite easier to enter, exit and load, even with bulky items.

“We gave the Granite a bold yet appealing design that truly makes a styling statement,” said Juho Suh, exterior design manager. “For a new generation of urban professionals, it delivers the look and functionality they need.”

In keeping with the vehicle’s urban theme, the exterior of the Granite has a series of complex, intersecting planes and angles, creating the impression of an industrial machine – an object created out of necessity, but admired for its precision and functional aesthetics.

A forward-angling motif that cuts through the door panels, starting high and behind the doors and cutting to the center of the front door, suggests motion, as does a high beltline and tapered side glass. A rear spoiler is integrated into the roof and extends slightly above the rear glass. Other angles and planes of the exterior appear carefully metal-crafted.

Up front, GMC’s signature grille design is flanked by headlamps that sweep back into the fenders, further suggesting motion. The headlamps and fog lamps are set at the far edges of the front-end bodywork, accentuating the Granite’s planted stance. At the rear, the vehicle’s planes and angles come together tightly, showing careful attention to detail. Other exterior elements include prominent taillamps with a multi-layer appearance and LED lighting technology; and a centered exhaust outlet with a brushed metal tip.

There is no chrome on the exterior of the Granite; all the trim has a satin or brushed metal finish, accenting the industrial look. Large, 20-inch wheels – wrapped in Bridgestone tires – were tailored within the fenders for a low, sporty stance. The exterior color of the Granite is metallic gray that evokes the look of the material for which this concept was named.

Mechanically minded, highly functional interior

The interior was inspired by the design of aircraft-type mechanical instruments and precision tools. That is most apparent on the dashboard and instrument cluster, where gauges were modeled after finely crafted timepieces. A compass incorporated into the “barrel” surrounding the speedometer moves with every turn of the vehicle, providing an at-a-glance directional confirmation. “Our goal was not to hide but to show how this vehicle is put together, and the high quality of its craftsmanship, not unlike the finest industrial-inspired luxury time pieces,” said Lyon.

Red backlighting illuminates the gauges, while a panel of organic light-emitting diode screens is the foundation for the vehicle’s navigation, infotainment, phone and climate control readouts. The screens represent the next generation in vehicle information displays, with bright, multidimensional readouts and intuitive controls that give the Granite a modern feel.

Integrated within Granite are unmistakable GMC cues, including a center stack wing motif similar to that of the new GMC Terrain. A prominent center console runs between the front and rear seats, with ports to plug in popular portable electronic devices, as well as storage compartments large enough for a laptop computer.

The center console also houses a unique transmission shifter. Rather than a handle that actuates within a conventional gate, it is a simple, space-saving knob that rotates with the precise clicks of a torque wrench. The gear selections are confirmed via LED indicators.

Among the most functional elements of the Granite concept are reconfigurable seats. The front passenger and right rear seats flip up and fold in toward the center console, creating a long, unobstructed storage space. The Granite functionally addresses the needs of young professionals and their activities without compromises.

The cargo area includes a number of compartments to store items out of sight. Cargo hold-down provisions are built into the cargo area and the seatbacks have clasps that can be used when the seats are upright or folded to help secure cargo.

The Granite’s interior is finished with dark tones on the bottom and complementing, lighter colors on top, including suede-like Nubuck material on the seats and instrument panel. The interior is further accented by satin-finish and anodized trim. The instrument panel gives the impression of a command console, with driver-focused instruments and controls set in an anodized panel.

“The look, feel and functionality of the instrument panel remind you of a fine instrument or tool,” said Lyon. “Indeed, the Granite is like that – a precision instrument wrapped in a protective, industrial case.”

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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11.01.2010 at 17:10
2 edits. Last edited 11.01.2010 at 17:25 by fire83
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
Camaro sisekujundus. igatahes, topsihoidjatega on ämber tehtud, sinna alla ei mahu tavaline, pikemat formaati 0,5L pudel.

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11.01.2010 at 17:19
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
See on idiootne ja ebamugav koht topsihoidjate jaoks jah. Mu prantsuse käkil on samas kohas ja täpselt sama probleem - Statoili/CoffeeIn'i kohvitops läheb veel sisse, aga näiteks Staabis saab veidi kõrgema, see enam ei mahu.

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11.01.2010 at 18:07
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
Kui see auto jõuaks samasugusena tootmisse siis ostaks küll. Piisavalt kuubik ja sürr. Aga kahjuks müügis on ta hetke välimust arvatavasti kohitsetud.

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11.01.2010 at 23:45
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
Mingil määral kohitsetakse kindlasti. Samas ühe sellel kontseptil oleva featuuri lükkas GM tootmisse just - uuel Merival on suicide doorid.

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11.01.2010 at 01:17
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
Väljast mõnus tanksaabas, sisu nagu odav hiina bling-toss.

Mustang 68 HT

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12.01.2010 at 13:41
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
GMC Granite Wins the EyesOn Design Best Concept Vehicle Award
General Motors West Coast Advanced Design Director Frank Saucedo (left) and GMC Executive Design Director Clay Dean accept the EyesOn Design Best Concept Vehicle Award for the GMC Granite Concept Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan. The Granite combines an urban-industrial design aesthetic with functionality aimed at young professionals. Granite has four doors, hinged on each side to open like a set of French doors.

edit: GM muutis just oma esialgset teadet. Nüüd on teemasse toodud ka AUDI. Nii pealkirja kui ka teksti.


GMC Granite and Audi A8 Take Home EyesOn Design Awards at the North American International Auto Show

The GMC Granite Concept and the Audi A8 were awarded top honors at the 2010 EyesOn Design Awards at the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS). The awards are judged by top design executives from automotive manufacturers and by academics from transportation design programs. To be eligible for the awards, the vehicles must debut during NAIAS. These judges are led by the three Head Judges he selected for this year:

* Willie G. Davidson - Harley-Davidson, EVP & Chief Styling Officer
* Tom Matano, Academy of Art University, Executive Director of Industrial Design
* Jack Telnack, Ford Motor Company, Global VP of Design (Retired)

In the concept category, the GMC Granite received top honors. Accepting the award were Frank Saucedo, director of GM Design’s California studio, and Clay Dean, Executive Director GM Advanced Global Design, who both acknowledged the importance of recognition from their design peers. The GMC Granite, a concept which combines functionality with what General Motors calls an “ urban-industrial design aesthetic,” made its worldwide debut here in Detroit. The other finalists were the Nissan Mixim, Revenge Verde Supercar, and the Audi eTron concept.

In the production category, the 2011 Audi A8 won the “Award for Design Excellence” Accepting the award was Wolfgang Egger, head of Audi and Lamborghini design, as judges and the audience commented on the exceptionality of the vehicle. The fourth generation of Audi’s flagship car, the Audi A8 made its first auto show debut here at the North American International Auto Show. The other finalists for production vehicles were the Bentley Muslanne, Fiat 500, Ford Focus, and Lincoln MKX.

EyesOn Design at the North American International Auto Show is sponsored by the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology (DIO) as part of the EyesOn Design series of events. The DIO is a not-for-profit that aids the visually impaired and facilitates research related to the eye. Each year, they host the EyesOn Design automotive exhibition at the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House in Grosse Pointe, Michigan that also focuses on design. The show is recognized by its peers as one of the best classic car shows in the country. The DIO enjoys a close relationship with automotive designers through the EyesOn Design events and by understanding the correlation between design and the eye.

The event was sponsored by Dassault Systemes. The post-awards event Focus on Design was sponsored by BASF, KPMG and NEXT ENERGY. More information and photos are available at http://www.brophy.com/NAIAS/

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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13.01.2010 at 16:21
3 edits. Last edited 13.01.2010 at 17:46 by fire83
NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept
Nu see päris kena liikur iseenesest aga kerekuju (tõenäoliselt mitte suurus) on päris sarnane ford flex'ile ja mis seal salata see on sihke massin, millega täitsa liikleks kuigi GMC pakut näeb eestvaates märksa isasem välja.

Caddilac Coupe DeVille'79 (D'Merchant)

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03.01.2012 at 13:49
tqhq.ee foorum : Vaba teema : NAIAS: GMC Granite Concept  
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