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Welcome to America :(
ARK on igal pool ARK
On Wednesday the 6th of October, 22 law enforcement agents and other individuals from the State of California, Department of Justice Fraud Division, Department of Motor Vehicles, California Highway Patrol, Department of Automotive Repair and others arrived with guns drawn and flak vests on at the shop of Boyd Coddington Hot Rods & Collectibles (La Habra, California).
No, this wasn't the making of an episode of American Hotrod but rather a bonified attempt to serve a warrant issued and carried out by duly vested officers for the purpose of investigating Boyd Coddington on the suspicion of fraud. The alleged fraud charges stemmed from an ongoing investigation by the State of California that has for the past several years been limited to the kit car industry but has now been expanded to the street rod industry. The State of California is looking for cars that meet one or more of the following criteria that would lead to registration or license fee fraud.
In speaking with Boyd Coddington he told SRM that the State of California seized certain company records for further investigation. Boyd also told SRM that three license plates were removed from vehicles within his consignment shop. These vehicles were built decades ago by the likes of Fat Jack and Pete & Jake's. Apparently the state of California is looking into any improprieties that would lead to the state being "shorted" tax or registration dollars.
Full story: |
Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/ on line 306
11.10.2004 at 12:37 |
Aspelund |
Welcome to America :(
Ühel kenal päeval näitast Reality TV Austraalia politseinike tööd, kes õhtul oma liikuva ülevaatuspunkti ühte kaubanduskeskuse parklasse ülesse panid ja siis tänavalt sinna autosid kontrolli saatsid. Valiti loomulikult neid, mis millegiga silma paistsid.
Minu (ehk ebapopulaarse) arvamuse kohaselt võiks selline süsteem toimida ka Eestis. Saaks vähemalt suuremad romud teedelt ära.
Asp |
Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/ on line 306
11.10.2004 at 13:03 |
erik |
Welcome to America :(
quote: Aspelund:
Minu (ehk ebapopulaarse) arvamuse kohaselt võiks selline süsteem toimida ka Eestis. Saaks vähemalt suuremad romud teedelt ära.
Sama siin, kuid kõik autole esitatavad nõuded peavad olema selged (paberil kirjas, mitte "taotlege ümberehitusluba kollaste suunatulede panekuks ja siis me otsustame") ja mis kõige olulisem - põhjendatud (mitte nii, et "nii on ja nii jääb, sest nii on kogu aeg olnud"). |
Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/ on line 306
11.10.2004 at 18:42 |