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04' GMC Yukon XL denali
Alustaks samuti oma peresõiduki päeviku pidamist.
Auto sai soetatud juba 11.02.18, kuid siiani kas polnud millest rääkida või polnud kindel millised on tuleviku plaanid temakesega.
Kuid jah autoks GMC Yukon XL denali 6.0 AWD passi järgi küll väljalaske aasta 05' kuid vin koodi järgi 04' väljalase. Sõidab bens+gaas
Siiani ei ole mind alt vedanud, sai ka lumehangest kaubaauto välja tõmmatud. Kindlast soovitan ka teistele kes tahavad omale SUV-d
Kolme aasta jooksul mida temaga tehtud siis on. Veepump kuna pump ise hakkas lekkima sellega ka siis kohe uued rullikud, pigutid, rihmad. Tagumis ventika nn. siil v resistor, tagumise kojamehe mootor sai tööle pandud(maanduse mure), esidifri simmerid, kõik kettad ja klotsid, automaat seisupidurit sai vähe remonditud(vedrul, mis seal sees on, oli lukusti ära mirdunud), kõik piduri torud vahetatud rv vastu, mootori õlijahutus torud.
Mida esmajoones veel teha: ootan nüüd summuti osi, kuna originaal sumps on lõpuks ära ussitanud ja kuna originaal on keevis ühendustega sii tileb vahetada keskelt kuni taga otsani välja. Vaja veel uued käsipiduri trossid. Ja rooli karp vaikselt hakkab üles ütlema(külmast paremale keerates ei taha toimida), stability track ja service ride contro, mis vead ei ole veel jõudnud süveneda. Ja ka käigukasti tahaks uuenduse saada(tcc ei taha lukustuda 75kmh sõites, surve liiga madal ehk natuke kiiremine pole probleem ja natuke aeglasemal pole samuti probleeme)
Kütuse kulu, kõik mis paaki läheb võtab ära- st. linnas 22l maanteel 15 seda siis gaasi bens on kuni 2 liitris 100le vähem.
Mis plaan tulevikuks- visko propeller eest ära ja elektri ventikas asemele ja likvideerida kõik ees olevad jamad(stability track, ride height, tpms sensorid(tellitud mikimaalt ~60eerot 4tk)
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05.03.2021 at 14:03 |
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04' GMC Yukon XL denali
Sumpsi vahetus tuleb sul kindlasti soodsam näiteks Summutiabis (ise sealt alati mõistliku raha eest abi saanud).
Service ride control räägib sulle vigastest tagaamortidest, kompressorist või voolikutest. Aga eks sa seda tead isegi vast.
Stability track fault võib olla kõige lihtsamal moel vigasest 4WD lülitist põhjustet olla, aga ei pruugi. Veakoodid oleks abiks. Selle vea põhjuseid on erinevaid. |
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05.03.2021 at 14:21 |
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04' GMC Yukon XL denali
Veakoodid: C0131, C0279, C0292
Summuti osad tellitud kokku ~400(vahe torud 2tk, summuti, taga toru, klambrid 3+1, ja riputid 3tk) allapanek pole maailma keerulisem asi. Kuid hea teada edaspidiseks kui vaja
Kõige tõenäolisem jah taga amordid ?No file was uploaded. |
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05.03.2021 at 14:32 |
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04' GMC Yukon XL denali
Pidurid peale ei jää? ABS ei toimi?
C0279 - On vehicles with the JL4 option, the C0279 code sets when there is an open or short in the precharge motor circuit. Disconnect the precharge motor connector and use an ohmmeter to measure resistance of the precharge pump motor. The resistance should be 0.3 - 1.0 ohms. If the reading is outside of this range, the precharge pump motor and EBCM (abs/traction control module) must be replaced.
If the reading is in the proper range, just the EBCM has to be replaced.
C0292 - Diagnosis with a scan tool may indicate a DTC C0131, C0196, C0290 and/or C0292 is set.
There are two possible causes for this issue. Both possible causes are listed below:
DTC Diagnostic Information
Subject: Service Stability Message On, Diagnostic Trouble Code
(DTC) C0131, C0196, C0290 and/or C0292 Set
(Inspect/Replace Yaw Rate Sensor/Lateral Accelerometer
and Reprogram Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) )
Models: 2004-2006 Cadillac Escalade Models
2004-2006 Chevrolet Avalanche, Suburban, Tahoe
2004-2006 GMC Yukon Models
with Control, Active Brake (RPO JL4)
• An internal fault within the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer, P/N 15189628, may be
the first possible cause.
• The vehicle stability enhancement system (VSES) electronic brake traction control module
(EBCM) calibration may be the second possible cause.
Follow the procedure below to inspect the part number on the yaw rate sensor/lateral
Subject: Service Stability Message On, Diagnostic Trouble Code
(DTC) C0131, C0196, C0290 and/or C0292 Set
(Inspect/Replace Yaw Rate Sensor/Lateral Accelerometer
and Reprogram Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) )
Models: 2004-2006 Cadillac Escalade Models
2004-2006 Chevrolet Avalanche, Suburban, Tahoe
2004-2006 GMC Yukon Models
with Control, Active Brake (RPO JL4)
• An internal fault within the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer, P/N 15189628, may be
the first possible cause.
• The vehicle stability enhancement system (VSES) electronic brake traction control module
(EBCM) calibration may be the second possible cause.
• DTC C0131
• DTC C0196
• DTC C0290 or C0292 (w/JL4)1. Inspect the part number on the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer.
2. Remove the passenger seat from the vehicle in order to gain access to the sensor. Refer
to Seat Replacement - Front Bucket in Seats.
3. Pull the carpet back in order to gain access to the sensor.
4. Inspect the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer part number located on the sensor
Important: Replace the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer, P/N 15189628, with new
sensor, P/N 15220053
5. Remove the nuts retaining the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer to the vehicle.
6. Disconnect the electrical connector from the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer.
7. Remove the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer from the vehicle.
8. Install the new yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer, P/N 15220053, to the vehicle.
Notice: Use the correct fastener in the correct location. Replacement fasteners must be
the correct part number for that application. Fasteners requiring replacement or fasteners
requiring the use of thread locking compound or sealant are identified in the service
procedure. Do not use paints, lubricants, or corrosion inhibitors on fasteners or fastener
joint surfaces unless specified. These coatings affect fastener torque and joint clamping
force and may damage the fastener. Use the correct tightening sequence and
specifications when installing fasteners in order to avoid damage to parts and systems.
9. Install the nuts retaining the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer to the vehicle.
Tighten the nuts to 10 N·m (89 lb in).
Important: The yaw rate reference reset procedure must be performed when replacing
the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer.
10. Perform the YAW rate reference table reset procedure. Refer to Yaw Rate Reference Table
Reset Procedure.
11. Connect the electrical connector to the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer. |
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05.03.2021 at 15:40 |
alvarvessu |
04' GMC Yukon XL denali
Pidurid peale ei jää ja abs toimib, pm seda lugedes ja kuskilt ajusopist meenutades võib asi olla, et abs aju mingi moment vahetatud kuid pole autole selgeks õpetatud.
Important: The yaw rate reference reset procedure must be performed when replacing
the yaw rate sensor/lateral accelerometer.
Ehk siis peaks toimima ka teistpidi, et kui paned uue abs ploki peab õpetama selgeks. |
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05.03.2021 at 15:54 |
Moderator |
04' GMC Yukon XL denali
jep. väga tõenäoline. |
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05.03.2021 at 15:57 |