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tqhq.ee foorum - USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
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tqhq.ee foorum : Autod : USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..  

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Poster Message
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
palun 8-realiste meestel mitte kisa tõsta nüüd, aga ma arvan, et tulevik on pigem selliste hübriidsüsteemide päralt:


see on nö standardne auto multimeediasüsteem, mille andmekandjaks ja protsessoriks on su telefon, mis on sul niikuinii koguaeg kaasas. siis ei pea auto audionavi nii palju maksma, vaid piisab LCD-st ja gepsuantennist jms. telefon koos tarkvara ja meediaga on sul kas siis USB, BT vms otsas

ma esimest korda adusin seda autoDRMi siis, kui uut Outlanderit käisin piilumas, seal on kõvakettaga multimeediasüsteem, millele saab muusikat laadida ainult plaadilt, viskad oma CD sisse ja tema ripib endale vindile. debiilikud.

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09.03.2010 at 14:09
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Cadillac eemaldub GM-st

Arvatavasti osana uue GM-i mainekujundusprogrammist eemaldab Cadillac GM logod oma esindustelt ja müügimaterjalidelt. Vahetatakse välja ka e-maili aadressid @gm.com --> cadillac.com
Varasemates GM pankrotiteemalistes kirjutistes mainisid ajakirjanikud enamasti kogu GM-i mudelivalikut sealhulgas Cadillaci ja pankrotilimu maine süvenemise ärahoidmine tundub olevat siin eesmärk.


'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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09.03.2010 at 20:50
1 edit. Last edited 15.03.2010 at 11:59 by fire83
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
Eesmärk on taaselustada Cadillaci vana slogan - "Standard Of The World"
Ja see on hea :)


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10.03.2010 at 18:00
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Fordi mootorid lendavad õhku

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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11.03.2010 at 11:13
2 edits. Last edited 15.03.2010 at 11:59 by fire83
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

2011 Corvette Z06 Carbon Limited Edition

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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15.03.2010 at 11:58
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
Seoses USA Toyota isekiirendavate atuodega saabus mu mailboxi paari päeva eest ühest Euroopa suurettevõttest hoiatuskiri

PDF uurimuse kokkuvõte

The cars involved are

Honda Accord 2008,
Mercedes E350 2009,
BMW 325i 2003,
Chrysler Crossfire 2005
Subaru Impreza Outback 2006.

« Toyota Unintended Acceleration Complaints Update
Response to Toyota and Exponent Regarding Dr. David Gilbert’s preliminary report “Toyota Throttle Control Investigation”
The purpose of Dr. David Gilbert’s research study was to contribute to a better understanding of Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system malfunctions and the failsafe detection capabilities of some Toyota vehicles equipped with ETC. His research primarily examined the failsafe detection capabilities of electrical circuitry, particularly, at the Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor (APPS) and the voltages and associated wiring circuits.
The most significant finding from Dr. Gilbert’s preliminary study is that there are conditions in the Toyota and Lexus models tested in which the failsafe redundancy of electronic circuitry in the ETC can be lost – particularly in the APPS – without detecting an error code or employing a failsafe mode. Once the redundant failsafe is lost and it is not detected as an error, the vehicle is in an unsafe condition. The purpose for setting an error code and putting the vehicle into a failsafe mode is to protect the driver from any further potential scenarios in which the ETC behaves in a manner inconsistent with driver input.
Quite simply, Dr. Gilbert’s findings prove that Toyota’s assertion that its electronics are infallible is incorrect and they form the basis for further study of potential electronic failures that might lead to Sudden Unintended Acceleration.
Dr. Gilbert’s findings further showed that once the failsafe is lost and undetected by the vehicle computer as an error, various scenarios can be introduced in which the Electronic Control Module (ECM) can read a wide-open throttle condition without any input from the driver, again without setting any error codes. Simply increasing the voltage to the APPS while in a compromised state can induce an uncommanded wide-open throttle condition, again resulting in no detectable codes. These scenarios can occur because the Toyota failsafe parameters are broad – the design allows a wide window of opportunity for problems to occur that are not seen as abnormal.
Prior to Dr. Gilbert’s findings, Toyota consistently argued that its ETC design and failsafe systems were built with multiple redundancies and that the electronic throttle cannot malfunction without its diagnostic system catching the error and employing one of four failsafe modes. In response to NHTSA the company flatly rejected the very concept of unintended acceleration stating:
“With regard to allegations of unintended acceleration, Toyota does not believe that uncontrollable acceleration can occur without the driver applying the accelerator pedal … If an abnormal condition occurs, such as the ETC sending the signal to the throttle body to open the throttle without applying the accelerator pedal due to a failure of a component or a malfunction of the system, or if the throttle simply were to open on its own, the system goes into failsafe mode.”
These findings provide an important baseline for understanding a potential electronic root cause of unintended acceleration in Toyota vehicles. While Dr. Gilbert’s testing demonstrates that vehicles can react to sensor errors in ways that appear consistent with consumer complaints of unintended acceleration, it will take additional research to determine whether there is a connection between the two.
Toyota, through their outside experts at Exponent Failure Analysis Associates, claim that the scenario Dr. Gilbert describes in his report “would be highly unlikely to occur naturally” and that other makes and models responded in a similar manner. Exponent goes on to claim, “[T]hese findings illustrate the artificial nature of Dr. Gilbert’s demonstration and its inability to explain reported incidents of SUA.”
In general, Exponent’s report mischaracterizes Dr. Gilberts findings, but it does validate his primary findings – Toyota’s failsafe system does not always detect critical errors or go into failsafe mode as the company has claimed. Further, once in this non-failsafe mode the introduction of a voltage spike can cause wide-open-throttle without driver input and again, undetected as an error.
Dr. Gilbert’s preliminary findings, which were detailed to Toyota technical staff a week before the Congressional hearings, are a step toward better understanding areas for further study.
According to Safety Research & Strategies president, Sean Kane, “These preliminary findings are critical because they demonstrate that the Toyota’s electronics can fail to detect significant errors – including uncommanded wide-open-throttle. This serves as a bookend – the other bookend is the consumer complaints which continue to allege uncommanded wide-open-throttle and subsequent inspections by Toyota find no error codes. Whether they are connected still needs to be determined.”

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16.03.2010 at 21:36
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

GM arendab tuuleklaasi


'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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18.03.2010 at 15:20
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
üks taevaline lehekülg, kus kõige uuemat infot kogu tehnikamaailmast peale pahiseb..


Z28 79

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18.03.2010 at 16:50
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

GM Twin-Turbo V6 Coming

Gmi uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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22.03.2010 at 18:06
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
Pildil on küll NA mootor, aga hea uudis sellegi poolest. Tavalisele Jürile tähendab see seda, et mingite aastate pärast on järelturul hea hinnaga saadaval GM-i toodang, mis kerge aju modiga toodab tõenäoliselt 400+hj ja 500+Nm. Boonusena tuleb kaasa turbomootori lai väändegraafik ja otsepritse ökonoomsus.

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22.03.2010 at 18:21
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Praegused väikeautod võivad mõjuda tulevikus massiivsete "laevadena"

GM kirjutab, et 2030. aastaks on enam kui 60% maa elanikkonnast linnastunud. See loob vajaduse uut tüüpi liikuri järele, mis ei võta palju ruumi. Koostöös Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. Groupiga (SAIC) on seetõttu loomisel uut tüüpi kaheistmeline elektriliikur millel peaks vastavalt kirjeldusele olema hunnikus erinevaid häid omadusi ja turgu.

GM pikem kirjutis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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24.03.2010 at 15:02
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

2011. aasta Buick LaCrosse saab 3.6 liitrise V6 mootori ja neljarattaveo


'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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25.03.2010 at 11:10
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Vahepeal juhtunust. GM on teatanud oma populaarsete mudelite müügikasvust. Numbrid on protsentuaalselt rasvased ja mis autodega tegu, teavad lugejad niikuinii. Ford teatas samuti 43% suurusest märtsikuu müügikasvust.
Camaro fänne peaks elevile ajama GM tänane teade lasta välja piiratud kogus 2010 Indiy Pace Car replikaid.

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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06.04.2010 at 19:44
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Ametiühing nõuab oma

UAW nõuab kohtu kaudu GM-ilt 450 miljonit dollarit.


'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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07.04.2010 at 09:18
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

2011 Camaro 8 lisahobust ja Head-Up displei

2011 Camaro V6 saab 312hp-d. 2010 V6 Camarol on juba praegu 304hp-d. Hoopis lahedam uuendus on aga Corvette`lt tuntud tuuleklaasis pesitseva Head-Up näidikutesüsteemi toomine Camarole.

Head-Up Display

Already available on the Chevrolet Corvette, the 2011 Camaro will become the second Chevrolet vehicle to offer the popular Head-Up Display.

Camaro’s Head-Up Display will include:

* Vehicle speed
* Tachometer
* Compass
* Outside air temperature
* Manual Paddle Shift Gear Indicator (if equipped)
* OnStar Turn-by-Turn
* Audio functions
* Phone information
* Selected gear
* Turn signal indicators
* High-beam indicator signal
* Vehicle messages

“Head-Up Display has been a very frequent customer request” said Cheryl Pilcher, Camaro Product Manager. “People familiar with the HUD system simply love it. It truly enables drivers to keep their eyes on the road.”

GM Uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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12.04.2010 at 12:34
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Camarole ja Equinoxile pudenes interjööri eest auhindu

GM uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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13.04.2010 at 09:55
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Kuidas Schwarzenegger Hummeri populaarsusele aluse pani

The Ode: Hummer (1992-2010)

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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13.04.2010 at 10:03
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

NASA/GM humanoid võib juba sellel aastal koos inimestega orbiidil tegutsema hakata

carscoop uudis

GM uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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15.04.2010 at 08:52
4 edits. Last edited 15.04.2010 at 09:06 by fire83
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Volkswagen planeerib järgmise 9 aasta jooksul alla neelata GM-i ja Toyota

Canada.com uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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15.04.2010 at 10:38
1 edit. Last edited 15.04.2010 at 10:38 by fire83
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

GM-i apsakas? Uue convertible Camaro pildid lekkisid internetti

Camaroblog uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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15.04.2010 at 10:41
1 edit. Last edited 15.04.2010 at 10:42 by fire83
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Kes/või mis on pildil?

Vastus: kliki pildil

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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15.04.2010 at 10:47
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

Ford on kliendi rahulolu tagamises nr 1!

PS: Willa Fordi pilt on teemaväline. Aga kuna niisama Fordi logo panemine siia tundus igav siis käib kah :)

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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19.04.2010 at 16:22
2 edits. Last edited 19.04.2010 at 16:25 by fire83
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

GM maksis oma laenu tagasi

GM maksis kolmanda maksega ennetähtaegselt tagasi USA ja Kanada valitsustelt saadud laenu täismahus.

GM uudis

GM teadet võla täismahus tagasimaksmisest on ka juba kritiseeritud, peamise põhjendusega, et valitsused on omandanud ka 50 miljardi eest 61% GM aktsiaid, mille kohta GM ise ütleb, et need on palju väärt kuigi GM aktsia veel börsil pole noteeritud.

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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23.04.2010 at 10:19
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised
Camaro5Fest - Suurim 5. generatsiooni Camarote kokkutulek


'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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23.04.2010 at 10:19
USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised

BÖRS: Fordilt tuli tugev kvartal

"Ford tuli kriisist välja paremas positsioonis, kui sinna läks," rääkis Bloobmergile üks aktsionär. Investorite usaldus Fordi vastu on tõesti suur - aktsia hind on aastaga tõstetud enam kui 180 protsenti kõrgemale ning märtsikuise põhjaga võrreldes maksab Fordi aktsia 11,5 korda rohkem.

Äripäeva uudis

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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28.04.2010 at 13:35
tqhq.ee foorum : Autod : USA kaasaegse autotööstuse uudised   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..  
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