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tqhq.ee foorum - Natuke nalja vol 34
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tqhq.ee foorum : Vaba teema : Natuke nalja vol 34   .. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ..  

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Poster Message
Natuke nalja vol 34

The russian worker from a coal-burning power plant after it detonates trys to ensure that they all never drink alcohol while working...check the one in the back and you will see the truth...
minuarust räägitakse seal kuidas nad juba pool aastat palka pole saanud ja joomisest pole seal poole sõnagagi juttu.

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21.05.2009 at 19:56
1 edit. Last edited 21.05.2009 at 20:00 by ervin
Natuke nalja vol 34
pole eesti teed hullud midagi...

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21.05.2009 at 21:50
Natuke nalja vol 34
Neile vendadele te oma autot ei laenaks...

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21.05.2009 at 23:09
Natuke nalja vol 34
usakad: Neile vendadele te oma autot ei laenaks...
eelmisel lehel just oli ;)

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22.05.2009 at 07:47
Natuke nalja vol 34

Müüa ilus kirsipunane sierrari, mis oma jõulise tagaveo ja kerge rooliloksuga on tõsine maiuspala noorele jäärajahundile ja driftikunnile. Pane tähele, kui sul varem naist pole, siis selle autoga saad sa vähemalt kõrvalkülast kindlasti keppi. Või kaigast. jõuline, koopaidtäitev valuvelg teeb sinust ületamatu isase isegi moskva kohviku ees. kes ees see mees, vali ise, tahad sa edasi pihku taguda, või uue roolirõõmuga edukalt skoorida.

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22.05.2009 at 09:44
Natuke nalja vol 34

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25.05.2009 at 12:36
Natuke nalja vol 34
Kui rehv on velje pealt maas, siis:

We live in a poor neighbourhood - we can only afford to drive old cars.

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25.05.2009 at 14:08
Natuke nalja vol 34

'84 Fiero 4.5T mängimiseks
Eesti esimene dragster, eiteamilleks?

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25.05.2009 at 15:21
Natuke nalja vol 34
anryo: Kui rehv on velje pealt maas, siis:

Minumeelest ei ole siin midagi naljakat, metsas käies peab ikka eetri pudel kaasas olema :D ja osasid rehve suht võimatu peale saada, kui just õhu kahurit ei ole käepärast. Muidugi kogusega tuleb ettevaatlik olla. Ise korduvalt seda nippi kasutanud.

Chevrolet Astro AWD 96 varuosadeks
Chevrolet Astro AWD 95
Fordson model N 1935

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25.05.2009 at 16:14
Natuke nalja vol 34
Hitler läheb rootormootorite peale tuuri

Fog, kas sinu pilt on JOKK?

2011 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS/RS

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25.05.2009 at 16:52
1 edit. Last edited 25.05.2009 at 16:54 by Maik
Natuke nalja vol 34
Ei ole jokk, parkimise algusaeg peab olema "parkimise kontrolli teostajale nähtavalt ja arusaadavalt teada antud", vt vastav Tallinna linnavolikogu määrus.

Vineda Racing | "The engines are free. The limitations of cylinders, restrictors and turbo pressures are removed." --- ACO

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25.05.2009 at 17:47
Natuke nalja vol 34
Maik: Hitler läheb rootormootorite peale tuuri


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25.05.2009 at 21:08
1 edit. Last edited 25.05.2009 at 21:09 by Stealth
Natuke nalja vol 34
Hitler part2 on ka sellele olemas,aga mitte nii hea..

So this guy with a Hybrid says...

The Scenario(corvetifoorumist topic) :

Was invited by a friend to come to a big barbecue for the Laker game. Some dude walks in wearing a baby blue Polo shirt and a snobby...but hot girlfriend (sorry, no pics). Anyhow, he yells out, "Who's Corvette is that outside?" I'm like..."umm, it's mine" He said "Wow, nice wheels, must be murder on gas, not really practical - especially when we're trying to preserve the world"s resources." Keep in mind that I don't know him, I'm a firefighter so I'm used to the BS, but since I'm also immature I replied, "My Vette get's better gas mileage than your car." So he says, "I bet you $50.00 that my car has better gas mileage " I raised the bet and said, " Make it a $100." My friend whispers to me "Tony, he drives a hybrid, he's an arse so let it go." But, a bets a bet - After the game we both got in our cars, the route was to jump on the freeway and follow each other for 15 miles and stop at a gas station. We had to go at the same speed (60 mph), and have no real gaps between our bumpers, at the gas station we'll check both of our MPG averages to determine who the winner is. After we both reset our MPG's, he chose to drive in front of me, and of course he's already talking trash I put my baby in 6th gear and crossed my fingers....the results....drum roll please.....

2007 Honda Civic hybrid 27.1 MPG (LOSER)

Winner: http://www.colepacific.com/like.jpg
http://www.colepacific.com/photo.jpg MPG

2011 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS/RS

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25.05.2009 at 21:31
3 edits. Last edited 25.05.2009 at 21:34 by Maik
Natuke nalja vol 34
"Üks kass on parem kui 10 hiirelõksu"

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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25.05.2009 at 21:41
Natuke nalja vol 34
Lego V8


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25.05.2009 at 23:10
Natuke nalja vol 34

So this guy with a Hybrid says...

Corvette foorumi linnalegend?

BS igal juhul, sest 27.1 -st parema tulemuse saab konkreetne siibik isegi Tallinna õhtusel tiptunnl Tartu mnt mäest üles minnes

not done until it's done

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25.05.2009 at 23:45
Natuke nalja vol 34

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25.05.2009 at 00:05
Natuke nalja vol 34

So this guy with a Hybrid says...

Corvette foorumi linnalegend?

BS igal juhul, sest 27.1 -st parema tulemuse saab konkreetne siibik isegi Tallinna õhtusel tiptunnl Tartu mnt mäest üles minnes

Top Gear lahkas ka kunagi seda teemat, lisaks sellele on seda autot kallim ehitada, akusid hooldada ja pärast keskonnasõbralikult utiliseerida

PS: miks sa hübriid civic-ut müüd ???

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26.05.2009 at 07:07
Natuke nalja vol 34
OT lõpetuseks: WOT ringrada sõita see 1.3 tõesti ei jõua ja kulu on suur.

Müün, kuna kola ei mahu sisse

not done until it's done

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26.05.2009 at 08:43
Natuke nalja vol 34

not done until it's done

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26.05.2009 at 20:19
Natuke nalja vol 34
"monkey ride"

lapsest peale on hobused meeldinud

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26.05.2009 at 23:47
Natuke nalja vol 34

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

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27.05.2009 at 15:01
Natuke nalja vol 34

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27.05.2009 at 17:53
Natuke nalja vol 34
Sellelt lehel nii mõnigi pilt vist siitki teemast läbi käinud: http://www.containershipping.nl/casualties.html
Ega nad kõik nii naljakad ei olegi, kui mõelda ennast sinna mõne laeva pardale.

Halb ilm või tulekahju
Ka siin võis mõni kena auto konteineris olla

Mercury Cougar 86
C10 1981

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27.05.2009 at 23:28
Natuke nalja vol 34

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27.05.2009 at 00:31
tqhq.ee foorum : Vaba teema : Natuke nalja vol 34   .. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ..  
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