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tqhq.ee foorum - google checkout
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tqhq.ee foorum : Vaba teema : google checkout  

Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306

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Poster Message
google checkout
Teeks siia uue teema vastukaaluks varasemale PayPal teemale. Kommentaarid arvamused oodatud.

eBay (paypaliga üks omanik) kuuldavasti ei tolereeri google`i kui konkurendi maksevõimalust oma keskkonnas ja bännib kontosid kasutajate "turvalisuse huvides".

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306
01.09.2006 at 11:25
1 edit. Last edited 01.09.2006 at 11:25 by fire83
google checkout
By agreeing to this Terms of Service for Buyers, you represent that you are:

* 18 years old or older;
* capable of entering into a legally binding agreement; and
* a resident of the United States.

tundub, et praegu veel suuremale osale meist - kasutu...

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306
01.09.2006 at 11:29
2 edits. Last edited 01.09.2006 at 11:31 by fire83
google checkout
Taas avatud ka BidPay.
Erinevus võrreldes PayPaliga see, et ostja maksab vajalikud feed, müüja saab kogu küsitud summa kätte.
Vanasti sai seda ikka kasutatud, kui PayPal Eestit valgeks laiguks pidas ja asi oli igati korrektne...


Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306
01.09.2006 at 11:30
3 edits. Last edited 01.09.2006 at 11:39 by Vanaisa (Moderator)
google checkout
google checkout toimib, just tegin ostu.

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird

Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306
16.05.2008 at 16:03
google checkout
Ei ole küll teemaga otseselt seotud aga teadmiseks: copy-paste ühelt hackeri blogist

I don't know how much they are doing for online security but It is the Welcome Message By Pay Pal. An Online Most Secured Payment Gateway for Online Shopping and E-Commerce. Online Payment Gateways are always Vulnerable to Hackers , Doesn't matter how secured system is that ? Pay Pal is not an Exception. Few days back I too received a Mail From Security Services of So called pay pal Security Depatment. The theme of mail was very accurately, (which i have mentioned below) and an individual who doesn't have much knowledge about the web application can easily be hacked. If the person browsing on IE than he might not aware with the Phishing , would never be known that he has been hacked and fooled by hackers. All the important data including credit and debit card info of that account can be hacked. This is my personal view that the person especially those who are frequent on online transaction must use Firefox browser with anti phishing addon. Download Firefox here if you system doesn't have one.

Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306
16.05.2008 at 16:46
google checkout
viplala: Ei ole küll teemaga otseselt seotud aga teadmiseks: copy-paste ühelt hackeri blogist

I don't know how much they are doing for online security but It is the Welcome Message By Pay Pal. An Online Most Secured Payment Gateway for Online Shopping and E-Commerce. Online Payment Gateways are always Vulnerable to Hackers , Doesn't matter how secured system is that ? Pay Pal is not an Exception. Few days back I too received a Mail From Security Services of So called pay pal Security Depatment. The theme of mail was very accurately, (which i have mentioned below) and an individual who doesn't have much knowledge about the web application can easily be hacked. If the person browsing on IE than he might not aware with the Phishing , would never be known that he has been hacked and fooled by hackers. All the important data including credit and debit card info of that account can be hacked. This is my personal view that the person especially those who are frequent on online transaction must use Firefox browser with anti phishing addon. Download Firefox here if you system doesn't have one.

Selge on see ükski asi ei ole turvaline ja lihtsameelsetel nahka üle kõrvade tõmmata on lihtne.
Sellest samast asjast kirjutasin siin ühes teises teemas Link Kindlasti kirjutasid maailmas väga paljud oma andmed sellele lehele.
Paljudel seal ka raha jõuti koorida seda ei tea. Ise olen paypali väga pikalt kasutanud ja väga rahul.

Kõige turvalisem on kasutada nn virtuaal krediitkaarti. SEB näiteks pakub ma ei tea kas teised ka.
Teed omale virtuaal kaardi täpselt selle summa peale, mis on vaja maksta maksad ära ja kõik. Nende krediitkaardi andmetega pole rohkem midagi peale hakata ei sul ega kaabakal.

Aga kui inimene kohe iga küsimise peale oma krediitkaardi ja ka muud isikuandmed avaldab no siis tuleb ikka ennast süüdistada küll. Samahästi oleks kaabakas võinud juba raha küsida.

Warning: Undefined variable $offset2 in /data01/virt688/domeenid/www.tqhq.ee/test/forum/func.php on line 306
16.05.2008 at 17:07
tqhq.ee foorum : Vaba teema : google checkout  
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