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quote:Last week, it was reported that former Tesla firmware engineer Jamie Carlson left the company to join Apple's "Special Projects" group in August, alongside several other autonomous vehicle experts. Apple also hired Doug Betts, former Senior Vice President of the Chrysler Group, and Paul Furgale, a researcher who specializes in autonomous vehicles, according to a report in July.
quote:Last month, the Guardian disclosed that Apple had looked into booking a secure car testing site in California to road-test its vehicle, codenamed Project Titan. Maletic wrote the mutual confidentiality agreement signed by GoMentum Station, a disused military base near San Francisco with miles of empty streets for driverless cars, when Apple inquired about testing there in May.
quote:The fact that Apple is approaching the DMV now suggests that its autonomous vehicle, whatever it might be, is almost ready for public view. According to documents obtained by the Guardian, Apple has appointed an engineering program manager (EPM) to Project Titan. EPMs generally arrive on an Apple project once a product is ready to leave the lab, and coordinate the work of teams of hardware and software engineers.
quote:The market with the greatest potential is the tiny market in electric vehicles. Although it accounts for less than 1 percent of global vehicle sales, its compounded annual growth rate through 2020 is projected at 19 percent driven by a combination of falling prices, improved driving range and the onslaught of stricter government air quality regulations.
quote:Cars, in particular, are rapidly becoming centralized around mobile technology. “Eventually,” said Pete Tenereillo, CEO of GPS company PathSense, “you’re going to get in your car and your car will be your phone.”
Project TitanLeaf on muidugi hoopis teisest klassist asi. Nagu USA-s öeldakse, saab Apple olema siiski "premium car for premium customers" või ka "affordable luxury" ehk pigem ikka sinna Tesla klassi. Igasugustest numbritest on praegu liiga vara rääkida, aga analüütikud on pakkunud hinnaks $55 000. Mingite superautode hindadest ei räägita ja ma ka ei usu, sest selle ettevõtte kontseptsioon pole teha üksikuid asju väikesele seltskonnale ega ka omada kogu maailma turosa. Keskmisest kõrgem hind tuleb kindlasti.
Project TitanKrt nt LEAFi puhul piisaks sellest, kui kõrge hinnaga tuleks kaasa ka normaalne "alusvanker", pidurid jms. Muidu on nii et auto maksab ropult, aga kõik jupid on "säästukad", ei ärata usaldust..
Kui Apple selle ära tabab siis on hästi.
Muude sündmuste valguses oleks vist VW päris hea partner Applele praegu
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26.09.2015 at 10:33
Project TitanNeed normaalsed pidurid/värgid on lisakaal ja täiendav takistus, taoliste kasutamisel langeks auto sooritus akudel täitsa olematuks, seepärast need elektriautod ongi sellised nagu nad on.
Powered by BBB
Life begins @ 7500 rpm
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27.09.2015 at 18:59
Project TitanKusjuures, olles issanda lehekesega sõitnud enam kui ühe korra, julgen väita, et pole ta komponentidel ega kasutatavusel viga miskit. Sõidab igati viisakalt ja kordagi ei teki tunnet, et sind on topitud mingisse autolaadsesse tootesse. Akude kestvus on muidugi omaette ooper.
Flick the Gestapo.... No, I said *Flick*, the Gestapo!
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27.09.2015 at 20:25
Elon Musk kritiseerib intervjuus Saksa väljaandele Handelsblatt Apple't, Apple tooteid ja Tesla endisi töötajaid - "Apple on Tesla surnuaed".
quote:Important engineers? They have hired people we’ve fired. We always jokingly call Apple the “Tesla Graveyard.” If you don’t make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple. I’m not kidding.
Project TitanEi saa aru miks "see money pit" probleem peaks olema. Kadedad on vist rahavarude üle
Realsuses pole mingit vahet, kas teha film valmis näiteks 250 mil dollariga või või 150-nega.
Kallim film võib niipalju juhuslikul parem ka olla,et toob rohkem sisse. Samamoodi ehitati soomes 1 miljard eur maksvad
kruisikaid - pole probleem,tasuvusaeg laeval oli ca 7 aastat. Apple võib ju 40miljardit kah sinna raha panna,kui pärast 400 miljardit
tagasi tuleb juhuslikult. Arvestades nende juurdehindlust siis päris hea näide isegi.
2011 Chevrolet Camaro 2SS/RS
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09.10.2015 at 17:05